Monday, September 8, 2008

But I want a wedding now!

Ok, I'm excited. And overwhelmed. I'm exciterwhelmed.

I want to see all my friends and family! I want to have girly time with, well, the girls. I want to see Ben in a tux. I want to see my brother Ben in a tux. I want to see how the cake turned out ... and the flowers! I want to sip a Japanese Slipper. I want to go through the whole ceremony and experience what it is like to tell Ben he's stuck with me for the long run.

But then I think, I want my family to all get along. I want the light to be right to take photos. I want people to dance and eat and have a good time. I don't want anyone to feel left out. I want clean up to go smoothly. I want to feel like I talked to everyone but still had time to enjoy the day. I don't want my feet to kill me. I don't want to stress myself into a migraine.

And just like that, excitement turns to stress. I'm going to stop thinking about this now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's going to be fabulous! Let me know what I can help with- clean up, holding a second pair of shoes for you... anything you need. :)