Thursday, May 21, 2009

dazzled, i'm sure

Ever heard of ShoeDazzle? Apparently it's the world's premier shoe society. You can join online and receive one pair of shoes, picked out especially for you by stylistas, for 39 bucks each month. ShoeDazzle's Chief Fashion Stylist and Co-Founder is Kim Kardashian. Sounds pretty interesting and very cool. According to the site, here's how it works:

1. Take our Fashion Survey: It only takes a few minutes for us to get to know your style.

2. Our stylists pick 5 shoes for you: Based on your survey results, our fashion experts provide you with a choice of 5 fashionable shoes each month, from which you choose one. If you do not like your choices, you can select "Skip this Month" and you won't be charged for that month.

3. Choose the pair you want: We provide free shipping. If you are unsatisfied with your shoes, simply return them to us using the pre-printed return shipping label provided with your order.

I do have a few concerns with this society:
1. For $39/month, are these really quality shoes?
2. The fashion survey seems a little limiting (I took it). Would they really get a grasp of what I like from it (purple shoes, bottom row, second from right)?
3. Kim Kardashian.

Should I give this a whirl and document my findings?



Anonymous said...

ShoeDazzle is awesome! I've gotten some really pretty pairs from them. My friends convinced me to check it out a few months ago and I'm very happy the shoes and the service.

~Erin said...

wow looks pretty cool.
great for a shoeaholics

Maxwell Jr "Emcays"
ceo + Designer